Where I have ridden.....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

to the gym....and back again....

I don't normally post about the little rides to and from work or to and from the gym....but today was kind of neat. I am trying to get my head settled for a little get away next week. This was a nice chilly day with the new jacket I am trying to get used to. It is a new cut, new material, and full level 2 armor. the weight is totally different, and it has a whole different feel in the wind.

Getting on the highway was normal Austin traffic, which is to say 3 lanes bumper to bumper at 10 mph. only 5 miles to the gym, and it will probably take me 30 min to get there. Just about the time I get to the exit before the gym, I realize that it is almost sundown. I notice because I see the bats leaving the bridge. Everybody talks about the bats under the congress ave bridge, but rumor has it that the colony under the bridge at McNeil and I35 is actually bigger. As I ride up on it I see the bats coming out in their slow spiral. Now, usually I am doing about 65mph through here so I would not have actually seen much. Today the traffic was at a standstill. I am feet down, waiting for the car in front of me to move, and I notice that there is a hawk making fast passes through the swarm of bats. I have seen that happen on TV, but never in person. I don't know why it struck me to watch, but it was mesmerizing. When traffic moved, so did I. I got to the gym, worked out, and went home to dinner.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gotta get away.....Wrapup

Well, I made it back home in one piece. Never really worried about it, but there were a few moments of WTFO..... On the whole it was a very calming ride. Day one saw me up and out of Austin around 9:30. The rule for the day was 100 miles or more between gas stops, and ride till I was sick of it. I made it all the way to Norman, OK before I was ready to stop. Once I crossed the border into OK, the wind shifted and started blowing across the highway. The last 120 miles in a 30mph crosswind took the steam out. By the time I hit Ardmore, I was ready to stop so I figured Norman would be a good place to end up. I got in around 5:00 or so. I probably could have made it all the way to Edmond, but that would have put me in downtown OKC during rush hour, and I really didn't want that. I figured, hit the shower, hit dinner, then hit the bed.

Saturday morning it was up and on my way to Pop's Route 66. Turns out they were having the Route 66 Corvette show that day. I rolled in on a classic BMW surrounded by Corvettes. It was almost surreal. I parked in motorcycle parking.....being on RT66, Pop's has a large area set aside for motorcycle parking. I don't know if they plan it this way or not, but the Harleys fill in the parking from Right to left, and the Beemers fill in the parking left to right. The others park from the middle out. This was where I heard the conversation that showed me the difference between people who ride Harleys and people who ride BMWs. While I was at the BMW end of the line, people were comparing gear. One guy was talking about how he can't imagine riding in anything other than armored boots. When I got down to the Harley end of the line, I listened to two guys discussing exactly how little coverage the helmet could have and still be legal. It really shocked me to come to the realization that it seally came down to that the Harley riders laugh at you for wearing too much gear, and the BMW riders laugh at you for not wearing enough. I never guessed it would come down to something that simple.

After Pop's, I followed old 66 down to I-40 to stop by the OKC BMW dealership. I like to stop by dealerships whenever I am near to have a cup of coffee and hang out for a few. It lets me rest and chat with locals and find out where the road construction is. After leaving there, I went up to Yukon, and followed Old 66 down to just outside of Bridgeport, OK to turn ad go to Red Rock Canyon over by Hinton, OK. I promised Angela I would bring back a red rock for her. I forgot that the place is made of sandstone, so I started off with a fairly sizable rock, and after riding back to Denton, I found a much smaller rock and a lot of dust..... While I poked around the canyon I saw another person on a BMW R1200RT. We chatted for a few minutes, and I saw a patch on his jacket that made me chuckle "I ride too often, too far, and too fast to ride a Harley". That just made me chuckle a bit. The rest of the day was spent filtering down various back roads and secondary highways to get back into Denton, TX.

When I made it back to Denton, I checked the forecast. It seems that Austin had been put under a fairly significant thunderstorm warning, and I really didn't want to mess with riding in a thunderstorm all the way home after such a nice trip, so I decided to head back on Sunday morning. I still have Monday and Tuesday off from work, so I will likely do some riding then, weather permitting.

Once the decision to head back was made, the ride was fairly easy. I rode straight through from Denton to Waco, and stopped at the Starbucks to have coffee. Of course, there was the same group of guys that are there every weekend on their bikes, so we sat around and talked for a couple hours while I had coffee and let my hands stop vibrating. I ended up having to shuck most of my layers in Waco, and I still ended up being hot by the time I got back to Austin. When I left Denton this morning, it was around 40 degrees. When I rolled into Austin at 3:00, it was over 80. I love Texas weather....Hope for the best, plan for the worst, deal with what you get.

Oh well, I am home and alive. My brain is in buch better shape than when I left, and I can really tell the time I have been spending in the gym is paying off in mileage. 350+ per day and I am not as tore up as I really thought I would be. My brain is mushy, but my body is still good.

Here is the last day's route:

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

gotta get away.....Day 2

Up and running about 8:00 this morning. Made my way up to Pop's. Got a hold of an awesome vanilla cream soda. Here is a shot of the bottle:

I stopped on the way to get a shot of the bike in front of the RT 66 mural in Edmond.

I went ahead and ran route 66 out to the turnoff to Hinton to go to Red Rock Canyon. It was still about what I remember, a big red hole in the ground.

The trip back south got me to Denton, the weather wasn't bad, but the wind was fairly ugly across the middle of Oklahoma.

I think all of the bugs that didn't want to die in the first freeze of the year decided to commit suicide on my visor.

oh well, I am beat...here is the route for today:

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Friday, October 23, 2009

gotta get away.....

Today was a very nice ride. This day was all about riding until I was done riding. I just jumped on I-35 and went north until I was ready to stop. I made it to norman, ok. It was only about 370 miles or so, but i managed to miss them, but only barely.it was enough.

Only a couple real interesting things today. Just after the split at hillsboro, the car in front of me spooked a flock of birds that were hanging out beside the road. When they flew, they decided to cross the highway. That was exhilarating. The other little bit of excitement was just north of ardmore, ok. The speed limit up there is 70mph. The crosswind was about 30mph. I got passed by a semi who was going around 80. That little adventure was enough to convince me that I would be going however fast I needed to go to not get passed by another semi.

The route for tomorrow looks like I will probably go up to pops and get breakfast, then head over to redrock canyon, then start heading back south.

Here is the route for today:

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hill Country Escape Day 4

Today turned out to be a fairly light day due to incoming weather and general tiredness. Basically, today was a short ride over to Luckenback, TX. Spent an hour or so hanging out in town, had lunch there. Angela got to ride a bull (and yes, I got a picture)

After a bit of time in Luckenbach, we went down to Fredricksburg and visited the Japanese garden at the Nimitz museum, then had some coffee. After a little time hanging out at the cafe, we headed back for the hotel. We actually managed to get back right at 10 min before a hell beyond storm started up. It was bad enough that I could not see across the street.

We are going to try for the sisters again tomorrow, I guess.

Here is the route:

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Hill Country Escape Day 3

Today was a sleep late day. Not a whole lot of excitement. We ended up going for a bit of a ride through some familiar areas. The route we took ended up being one that we have ridden quite a number of times before, it was familiar enough that we could really let it hang out, but fast enough that we were not bored with it.

Watching the weather radar and watching out the window can be very disheartening. I can see on the radar that we are surrounded by thunderstorms, but the ground outside is dry. The wind is blowing like there is a storm in the area, but we are not seeing it at the hotel. I certainly want to make sure before I drag this crew up into the hills. There are too many places that a little rain could get fairly disastrous fast. If all goes well, we should be able to hit all 3 of the sisters tomorrow. It will be about 200 miles total, and there will likely be much whining. Worst case, it looks like Sunday is clearing up a bit, so that will likely be an option. Wish us luck on the weather.

Here is the route from today:

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Hill Country Escape Day 2

The day started off a bit slow. We had a nice leisurely breakfast at the hotel, and then took off into the hills. The first place we visited was the Mini Stonehenge. We got a few pics, but they have not been processed yet. I shot mostly film, and Kel shot a lot of Digital SLR. I will get those shots up as soon as we get around to going through them. We made some pretty good time through RR 1340. It was actually a very nice little twisty road. Highway 83 took us down to Leakey. I know that this is a touchy subject for some, but I think they might possibly have the most unfortunate high school mascot ever. This is, of course, the home of the Leakey Eagles...... something that nobody really wants flying overhead. Highway 83 is fairly long and straight, not a lot of excitement. We spent the rest of the run back to the hotel on nice twisty farm roads. There were a good number of them that were a bit more than we bargained for. There was a lot of twisting and turning, and some corners that were not really always a guaranteed win.

I think the high point of the trip came at this little town called Medina. We rolled in to have a little water and take a rest before the nastiness of TX 16 to Kerrville. As we are sitting in the parking lot having some water, a couple little teenage girls go scampering by chasing something. As Angela goes over to see what is going on, she notices that they are chasing a Luna moth.

Angela manages to rescue this poor little moth from the side of the street and get it over into the bushes so it is not out in the middle of the parking lot. After it made it to the bushes, I managed to get some fairly decent pictures of it. I will get those pictures up as soon as I get them processed.

I am looking at the weather to see what we have to look forward to over the next couple days, and it looks like we have a very good chance of rain every day left in the trip. This displeases me greatly. We have gone through one of the hottest and driest summers on record, and the weekend of our road trip is when the drought decides to break and give us rain. I wish it could have waited just three more days. That would have made things much better for all involved. We had a bit of other excitement, but I will leave the details of that for the wrap-up post.

Oh well, time to figure out where we are going tomorrow.

Here is the route from today:

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The big yearly trip...

Well, due to the work mess I did not get to take the big trip this year. Instead, we got a room at the inn of the hills and invited a bunch of our riding friends to get rooms and join us. Then we can head out each day to run around the hill country and explore. The inn's website is http://www.innofthehills.com/. So far, Vern and Glenn, Kel, and Angela have shown up. We may have more coming in over the next few days.

I am on the R90, Angela is on the Ural.

Here is the route for the day:

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Mileage update.....

So, I was sitting thinking while updating my blog with the latest little trip. I have been back on motorcycles since December of 2006. As of this week it has been 2 1/2 years back on the bike. I was kind of curious what my open road mileage was. I know what my odometer says on the Russian, it puts me in the neighborhood of 20,000 miles. The R90 has not had a working odometer between when I got it, and May. Between may and now I have put around 1800 miles on it. guessing at 400 miles per month for commuting, I would put it in the neighborhood of 1200 miles of commuting on the R90 before the odometer fix.

What I ball-parked was about 14,000 over the road miles in 2 1/2 years by mapping out the routes to the major trips I have taken over the past couple years. My total mileage, including commuting should come up somewhere around 24,000 miles in the past 2 1/2 years. That is actually not that bad really. I think I need to do something about it though. Time for another trip.



Back in one piece

The return trip was fun. This was just a short little run to get Angela's legs under her for what a road trip would be like. It was just a little jaunt up to Stephenville, TX and back. I think the highlight of the trip had to be when we first rolled in. After 170 or so miles, not a long day one, we pull up in front of the hotel and she slumps across the tank of her bike. It was kind of cute. In one day she had almost doubled her total mileage on the bike. When we started off she had ridden about 100 miles total around town. At the end of the first day, she had put in 170 miles in about 5 hours. To top that off, she did it on a Suzuki GZ250. That is the little cruiser that competes with the Honda Rebel. That is a decent ride on a full size bike, but on the little Suzuki it was a beating.

Here is the shot of her on her tank:

When we stopped in Hamilton for Angela to get gas on Day 1, she found the cutest thing. I was standing in front of the store and I got a text from her. It confused me a bit, because I thought I knew where she was. It just said, come look what I found. When I got inside, she was pointing at this display and giggling. I almost peed myself when I saw it. I got a quick shot with my phone so I could share....use your imagination. We wanted to bring one back, but it probably wouldn't have survived the heat.

Here is the popcorn on a cob:

I think this was my first clue that she had slipped into vibration induced psychosis.

The trip back today was fairly uneventful, except for me missing my turn to get on US281. We ended up going over to this little town called Meridian. When I figured out that we were in the wrong spot, we cut back over to 281 so we could head home. We got to stop at this little place called Hard Eights in Stephenville. It is an awesome little BBQ shop that Kel and I found on our way back from Hot Springs a couple years ago. Yes, they are still as good as I remember.

Here is us in front of Hard Eights:

While we were there, we had one of the guys running the pit take a quick shot of us together next to our bikes. It had to be done, I guess.

The little "detour" that we took on Highway 6, allowed us to go through this area called Cranfill's Gap. It is westbound on FM22 from Meridian, TX. It is not incredibly high, but it is very pretty. All in all, it was worth the 45 mile detour.

The rest of the trip back was uneventful. We pretty much ran straight through because we were kind of running from the Texas summer "cold front" that was moving south. That means it was around 85 degrees. The problem is that when the 85 degree air hits the 102 degree air, you tend to get snap thunderstorms and high erratic winds. We did manage to make it home in one piece though. It was a very nice ride. I think I want to do it again.

Here is our return route:

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dublin on the 4th of July.

This was a shining example of "The best laid plans, and all that jazz". This little trip was originally conceived as a good excuse to get a friend of mine out on her new bike and get dome road miles under her. The original plan was to take off this morning from Austin and go to Dublin, TX to get a Dublin Dr Pepper (look it up, ya'll). We roll about 160 miles in heat ranging from 98 when we left to about 102 when we rolled into Dublin. When we get there, the significance of the date becomes very obvious to me. It is the 4th of July, everything is closed. The only thing that I noticed open as we rolled through town was a restaurant that looked abandoned except for the flashing open sign. I just decided to roll us on to Stephenville to hit the hotel. Depending on how we are feeling tomorrow when we get to Lampasass, we might come back through Lago Vista and Marble Falls. That would mean 1431. We are going to call the ball on that one in Lampasass, because I want to make sure we are not too beat from the heat, and make sure she has her confidence up for that ride. The road isn't that difficult, but it is very high stakes and doesn't give you much time to rest.

Here are a couple shots from the day. Didn't end up taking many pics, mostly a couple shots when we got into the hotel. Hopefully I will be able to get some more tomorrow on the way home.

Here are the shots:

Here was our route:

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Have fun, I will close out tomorrow night when I get home.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Saturday......

I got to go shake my brain out a bit today. While pulling the old Russian out of mothballs, I discovered that the starter relay is still kind of dodgy. I think I will replace it and clean all connections between the battery and the starter. That should give me a better feel for it. That being said, rainy days are the best days for bike-workin-on. Saturday was nice in the morning, so there was riding.

Since the weather was kind of nasty all directions from Austin, I decided to just run around the back roads. My initial plan was to make a lap around the lake. That was when muscle memory took over and I just let the bike go where it felt like going. I took our old loop down around dripping springs and wimbery. I ended up in San Marcos. Since I was there, I decided to get pizza at my old college hangout. Valentino's Pizza is still the worst pizza around, but it is nostalgia. What the hell. After some Pizza, I went over to the Humidor to hang out and have a cigar. Rob got in a couple boxes of the Auturo Fuente Reverves so I picked up a few. After that I went out to Mikey's shop and hung out for a while. I needed to drop some stuff off with him, and I happened to be in the area. While I was there, I picked up a set of anti-dive springs for Kel's bike too. The trip back was where things got interesting. I made it almost 5 miles back before the flying midget with a firehose found me. Little bastard followed me all the way home. This was the first time I have had the R90 out in heavy rain, so I am at least glad I know how it is going to handle now. I also learned that those new brakes are really good. In the wet, I get a lot better feel out of them so I don't have to guess where lockup is. After this little ride I think those brakes are the best money I have thrown at the bike.

One thing I do want to find out is who left the cage open.....all of the idiots got out and they were on the road. I had my rainsuit on, the one that is all reflective, and all of the reflective stickers on my bike. Reflective materials only work if the other vehicles have their lights turned on. I saw more cars running in driving rain with their wipers on high and their headlights turned off. No scares, no close calls....just a front row seat for the parade of stupidity. I know there are sobriety checkpoints, there are discussions of insurance checkpoints, I have even heard rumors that there might be insurance checkpoints in the future. When are there going to be roadside IQ tests. I am sorry sir, you are too stupid to be allowed to live....pop...pop...

Oh well, off to work on the russian. Have fun.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

More upgrades on the R90

I did the final upgrade on the R90 before the summer road trip today. I got the brakes upgraded from a single sided disc to a dual disc. Basically, I gained 30% more stopping power and dropped about 60% of the hand pressure required for stopping. While we had the front end apart, we went ahead and put a set of anti-dive springs in the forks. These help control the way the forks compress during heavy braking. While we had everything torn apart, we also put in stainless steel braided brake lines and new fork seals.

I can tell a big difference with the new setup. Before, I had a whole lot of "go fast" but very little stop. Now, I can reel in the speed much more comfortably. I don't feel like I am breaking walnuts just squeezing the brake lever. Since there is a disc on each side of the wheel now, I don't get any lateral torque when I grab a handful of brake. It is very even and tends to run straight, instead of drifting left. The brakes also feel like they recover faster than they did before. The new suspension setup in front is also very nice. I can grab some front brake to start my weight transfer going into a corner, and it feels much smoother.

Now it is time to finish off the suspension update on Kel's bike. We got her heavy duty progressive shocks on the back, and the new progressive fork springs for her forks have come in. Now it is just a matter of installing them.



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weekend Trip to Scarborough Faire

This was an interesting little trip. It was kind of a spur of the moment attempt, that turned into a pretty normal little road trip. When I say pretty normal, I mean there were a lot of little things that all went kind of funky, but we all made it back alive, and it was fun.

The idea for this trip came from the fact that Diz got herself a new bike, and wanted to try it out on the highway. Here is a pic of the new bike:

This was our first long ride as a full line. 6 bikes. It was definately a challenge keeping the whole thing together. The trip up to Waxahachie went fairly smooth. We formed up in temple and followed I35 all the way up. The only real excitement, other than getting split up by traffic fairly often, was when my right side carb float stuck open. It wasn't that bad on the highway, but when we hit the first stoplight in town, it started dumping gas on my right boot. I had to pull the bowl and clean it out to get it to stop leaking. After that, it was all gravy....and a boot that stunk of gasoline.

Here is a shot of the line in front of Logan's on the trip back:

This was the funniest looking line I have ever seen. We ended up with a Yamaha, a Honda, a Harley, a Kawasaki, and 2 vintage BMWs. It was actually kind of humorous.

Faire was fun, we each got to do pretty much what we set out to do. I got to ride, Slap got his turkey leg, Diz got to try out her new bike, Glenn got a Steak on a Stake, Kel got to see Queen Anne's Lace on opening weekend. Here is a shot of the girls:

Not a great shot, but you get the idea. If you happen to get out there, go see them. They are great.

The trip back was where the real excitement was. It was decided to come back the long way through Stephenville so we could get BBQ at Hard Eights. To do this we were headed out 287 to 67, then have BBQ. Then we would just follow 281 back south to Austin. The only hitch in this plan was that once we got onto 67 headed for Stephenville, we discovered the 40mph crosswind. All it took was a couple of the bridges to convince us that we should turn south and head for Waco. Once we got to Waco, we had lunch at logans road house and sat around for a while just happy to be alive.

As far as the shakedown run on the new setup for the R90 goes, it was pretty good. One stuck float, but that is actually fairly normal right now. I still need to do some work on that thing. I have a few rattles on the tins that I need to sort out, but other than that, it is looking good.

Here is the route we took for this little trip:

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Shakedown weekend

We are doing a small shakedown trip on the R90 rebuild this weekend. Just a little run up to Scarborough Faire. Me, Kel, Vern, Glenn, Gary, and Laura. This should be fun. A 6 bike line. This will be Laura's first trip on her new bike. I think it will be much easier on her. This one is a bit heavier, has a bit more power, and is a lot more stable than the old one. I have a feeling she will see the difference quickly.



Friday, March 20, 2009

The restoration has begun......

I have finally started the restoration project on the R90. I got the new instrument cluster installed. Now it is just a matter of getting the new cables run. Today I got the new tins installed. I decided to go with the /7 tins. I like the shape of the tank better than the /6. The best thing about it is that it has a paint job already on it. It is called "Alaska Blue" It is very similar to the color of the blue Subaru WRX. The paint on the fenders is kind of scratched up, but the tank is in great shape. No dents in the tank is actually a miracle of sorts. The fairing is still white. I think I might keep it white, I kind of like it.

Here are the shots:

The checklist is getting smaller. I only have a few more things to do before I am done.

1. New side cases
2. New Mufflers
3. Make a decision on paint.

Now I just have to get it on the highway and ride the hell out of it.



Saturday, March 7, 2009

It's been a while......

I know it's been a while, especially for the one of you that actually follows my aimless rambling. Kel and I managed to score a short weekend getaway with a couple friends of ours. Kel, Gary, Laura, and I did a short shakedown last weekend. Just a little run around. Pulled about 500 miles over the weekend. I had been having some top end trouble with the R90 so I took the Ural. It was a fairly uneventful ride. It was nice to give Laura a chance to pull mileage in line. We did mostly highway miles, so it was pretty much point and go. Now it is time to shake out the starter problems on the Ural. It feels like either the starter relay or the starter switch is going bad. I will probably just replace both of them and get on with my life. The best thing to do with the Russian parts is to replace them with BMW parts at the first sign of problems, then do standard troubleshooting if it still doesn't work. I know it sounds backwards, but it is Russian after all. I mean, it has a Toyota starter motor......

As far as the R90 goes, I was getting some nasty valve noise, and slight loss of power at the top end after warming up. I ended up doing a valve job, retourqued the head-bolts, replaced the plugs, and changed the oil. It was like magic.....really. Now it goes like stink again. YAY!!!! Now it is just a matter of planning the next road trip.

I got the parts ordered for the restore also. I am getting a new tank, fenders, seat, and fairing. All painted standard flat black. I am going with the /7 tins. Now it will look like it was at least marginally new. I am guessing it will be around may or June before it is finished, but the restore will be complete, and that is all that matters. Then I can start looking at the performance upgrades that I want to do. I am thinking about putting about 5-10 more HP into the old girl. No good reason, I just want to.

I still have not come to a decision on weather I want to do the "Border to Border" or the Dixie Overland this summer. I guess it will come down to the weather and anyone that feels like going with me. If I am going alone, I will likely flip a coin, if I am taking someone with me, it will depend on how much time they can get off.

Oh well, time to wash the grease off the old elbows and nose.



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Short Trip Plan

Depending on how the weather looks, and whether I can get a bit of time off, I am going to try to make another run up to Pop's to get a burger and soda. Chances are good it will be march-ish before I can pull it off. I want to do a little bit of traveling before I bring the R90 offline for the start of the restoration this spring. If all goes to plan, I will have the fairing, tank, and fenders all the same color again. Then it will just be down to getting my speedometer back to just being horribly inaccurate instead of WILDLY inaccurate. Hopefully I will also have the hard saddlebags by then too. That will make traveling much easier. If I plan this right, I may even be able to take Kel along with me.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

GRRRR.....Wanna go somewhere.....

Anywhere....Just go. I just got done with the 2k service on the R90, and took it around the block. The thing that I find on the bike is that when you get more than one days ride from home, you develop an instant sense of clarity. That is the moment you realize that the only thing that really matters is getting back home alive. Work stress, friend stress, any stress, is just not significant any more when you are on a bike in the middle of nowhere. My running joke is that a motorcycle is a machine to transform gasoline into perspective.

The problem you run into when you spend a lot of time traveling on the bike, is that when you get home you start thinking about the next trip. Right now all I can think about is my next trip. I am planning a big "Go away" this summer. I have not decided whether I want to do the Dixie overland East (US80 from Dallas, TX to Savannah, GA) or a Border to Border loop (Del Rio, TX to Canada). I guess it will depend on whether or not Gary can go with me. He has finally retired from the Army (27 years). I am planning 2 weeks in July for the trip, so I have time to decide. I know I can't wait that long for a trip, so I will probably eat a long weekend or two in between depending on what the weather and work will allow. Right now all I know is that I want to go somewhere.....anywhere.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why not run....Day 5

Made it home alive. Was kind of beat so I waited till today to update. This was a good run. This was the first time I took off for a run before I hit the absolute need to get the hell out of town. It was different riding without all of the peripheral poo that I normally sort through while I ride. I could actually just enjoy the scenery the whole time. It was actually kind of relaxing.

The ride back from San Angelo was fun. Since it was a short day, I kind of mixed it up a bit and took a couple alternate routes. Instead of staying on 29 all the way back to Austin, I went ahead and took the TX 71 loop from Brady to Llano. Then I took the right on 1431 and took the back way into Austin. I actually got the camera working so I got some video of the ride from Marble Falls. I never realized just how much of a lean I actually get on that bike. When I am riding, my head actually moves to keep the horizon more or less level. With the camera mounted directly to the bike, it is very pronounced. When I got back, I actually sat and watched it all the way through. The whole video is about 40 min, I went ahead and cut it down to about 5 min or so.

Here is the video:

Here is the route I ended up coming back:

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