Where I have ridden.....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Route 66, Day 11....One day left to ride

Well, we should be home at some point during the day tomorrow.  We are spending our last night in Abilene, and we are taking off at 8:00 in the morning.  The ride back has been a bit of a beating.  We had pretty significant crosswinds the whole way back from Tucumcari.  My shoulders are sore, my elbows are sore.  I just want to fall down and sleep. 

I finally shook off the nerves from the tank-slapper.  It took a couple days to clear that out of my head and keep moving.  It just seemed like every movement of the bike was amplified and I had a hard time relaxing.  The fact that we had a 15-20 mph crosswind most of the way both yesterday and today did not help things at all.  I will do a trip wrap up by this coming weekend, and try to get the pictures organized a bit better and actually captioned.

Have fun, here is the route:

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