This was a shining example of "The best laid plans, and all that jazz". This little trip was originally conceived as a good excuse to get a friend of mine out on her new bike and get dome road miles under her. The original plan was to take off this morning from Austin and go to Dublin, TX to get a Dublin Dr Pepper (look it up, ya'll). We roll about 160 miles in heat ranging from 98 when we left to about 102 when we rolled into Dublin. When we get there, the significance of the date becomes very obvious to me. It is the 4th of July, everything is closed. The only thing that I noticed open as we rolled through town was a restaurant that looked abandoned except for the flashing open sign. I just decided to roll us on to Stephenville to hit the hotel. Depending on how we are feeling tomorrow when we get to Lampasass, we might come back through Lago Vista and Marble Falls. That would mean 1431. We are going to call the ball on that one in Lampasass, because I want to make sure we are not too beat from the heat, and make sure she has her confidence up for that ride. The road isn't that difficult, but it is very high stakes and doesn't give you much time to rest.
Here are a couple shots from the day. Didn't end up taking many pics, mostly a couple shots when we got into the hotel. Hopefully I will be able to get some more tomorrow on the way home.
Here are the shots:

Here was our route:
View Larger MapHave fun, I will close out tomorrow night when I get home.
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